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Asheville FUNdraiser for Local Nonprofits that Support Homeless

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Each year we put together a fundraiser to help the homeless & those in crisis in our Asheville & WNC community. We had a great turn out last year and were able to raise $20,000! We have set our goal to reach that again this year and we will be matching all donations up to $5,000!

Town and Mountain Realty believes everyone deserves a place to call home. The goal of this year's 4th Annual Home for the Holidays FUNdraiser continues to concentrate on the homeless population and those in crisis in Asheville & WNC.

We are attempting to reach those in immediate need and that fall through the cracks with government funding. Join us and share the love as we celebrate the season by supporting local non-profits that help members of our community make this dream possible. Here are some details about the non-profits that we are supporting.



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Caring For Children Always an open door for a child in need.  If you drove by any of the CARING for Children, Inc. homes in Buncombe County, you wouldn't think they were different from any of the other homes on the street. You have to step inside to see what makes a CARING home such a special place for children. What you'll see are normal kids. They live in your neighborhood and go to school with your children. They have dreams and goals. They laugh and cry.  The only difference is that they've had some problems and need a comfortable,  supportive environment they can call home. That's what CARING's programs are all about. Using a variety of settings to provide help for children and families in crisis because of family conflict, abuse, neglect, behavior problems or mental health issues. Each CARING program is staffed by professionals who help children and families deal with the present, put the past behind them, and help them look to the future.

Caring for Children Programs:

Cornerstone is a residence for up to eight young women ages 16 to 21 who have long-term problems, are too old for adoption, or whose family situation is such that remaining or returning home is either impossible or would be  counterproductive. Trinity Place provides a safe place for runaway and homeless shelter for children ages 7 to 17.  The Shelter provides a place to find answers to the problems from which they are running and where the parent-child relationship can begin to heal. Angels Watch is a foster care program that serves children who are age 0-6 (with siblings up to age 10) who are not in the custody of the Department of Social Services and whose families are temporarily unable to care for them because of a crisis.  Children are placed in licensed Angel Care homes for up to 90 days while the family attempts to resolve the problems PERCS (Proactive Enhanced Response Crisis Services) is a three-bed Therapeutic Level II foster care program for Buncombe County children, ages 0-18, who have been removed from their homes by and in the custody of the Buncombe County Department of Social Services.



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Homeward Bound of WNC

Homeward Bound of WNC began in 1988 as Hospitality House, opening its doors to serve the growing homeless population through long-term emergency shelter. In 2006, Hospitality House became Homeward Bound of Asheville, and shifted its focus from managing homelessness with shelter to ending homelessness with permanent housing. Homeward Bound's mission is working with others to end the cycle of homelessness. Through demonstrated commitment to collaborating with other community agencies and partners, Homeward Bound makes a sustainable impact on homelessness in Asheville every day.


Homeward Bound Programs:

AHOPE day Center is often a person's first entry point to homeless services in Asheville and serves as our initial opportunity to meet clients and engage them in services.  A HOPE is the only day shelter in WNC, and in addition to providing important basic services every morning, it also hosts community partners in the afternoons, facilitating a deeper level of engagement and  better service delivery for clients.  Often called: "Front door to permanent housing" Our PATH team outreaches people who are homeless and mentally ill on the streets, in parks and campsites, and at other community agencies. Through PATH outreach, team members build relationships that allow them to connect clients with crucial mental health care services, as well as basic needs and housing supports.

Room In The Inn is a mobile shelter serving 12 women for up to 90 days. RITI is sponsored by over 40 faith congregations who take turns hosting the women for a week, providing all of their meals, shelter, and evening activities.  RITI is staffed by a director who works with both the congregations and the women to move them out of the program and into permanent housing.

HOPE to HOME is Homeward Bound's newest program, begun in October, 2010 as an initiative of and in partnership with the faith community.  HOPE to HOME pairs interfaith teams of volunteers from congregations with a person or family who's been homeless and is moving into permanent housing. Teams commit to providing financial, material, practical, and, most importantly, relational support for one year as their partners stabilize in housing.

Pathways to Permanent Housing is the last stop on Homeward Bound's continuum of services and is a direct implementation of the Housing First model. In this program, case managers facilitate permanent housing for clients and continue their work with clients once housed to  develop and enact housing stabilization plans that lead to independence and self-sufficiency.



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Helpmate For over 30 years, Helpmate has served as Buncombe County's primary provider of crisis-level services designed specifically for and offered exclusively to - victims of domestic violence and their children. We believe that to serve our clients, we must model a violence-free community that is founded in respect and equality. By providing safety, shelter, counseling, and advocacy, we empower each client to create a life that is free of violence. By providing education, we empower our community to create a world that is free of violence.  We provide safe, confidential shelter to women and children who are leaving dangerous and potentially lethal living situations. No one should be assaulted by a partner or spouse.  No child should lay awake at night trembling in fear because his home is not a safe place.  We are fortunate to live in a community where men and women   recognize that domestic violence is everyone's problem, and we are proud to fulfill our mission of working with our community to eliminate abuse and fear.  Together, we can send the message that domestic violence is not acceptable. Together, we can create a model for peace on earth. Together, we can build a strong foundation of care and support, so that today's victims can stand tall as tomorrow's survivors.

Helpmate Programs: Emergency shelter for women and children 24 hour help hotline Individual and group counseling Court advocate programs Preventative Education for professionals, community leaders, and groups considered at risk of being abused.



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Western Carolina Rescue Mission


Western Carolina Rescue Ministries operates on a very simple, but powerful idea: to help people in need. Our work with the poor, the homeless and the addicted takes many forms and fits broadly into three initiatives: Rescue, Recovery and Restoration.


A place to come when there is nowhere else to go.

With more than 500 men, women and children experiencing homelessness in our community on any given night, Western Carolina Rescue Ministries operates Asheville's largest emergency overnight shelter. By providing food, shelter and clothing, our focus is to provide for the immediate physical needs of men, women and children at point of crisis in their life and to offer hope through the power of God's love. We are here to help anyone in true need--assisting those who can and will help themselves, showing compassion for those who cannot and refusing to enable the few who would try to abuse the generosity of others.

Recovery - More Than Sobriety

Receive the help necessary to build a new life free from addiction.

Our free, 12-month residential drug and alcohol Recovery Program is an intense life training course; a place where men learn to abandon addiction and receive the resources and support necessary to build a new life. As up to 18 men progress through the 5 stages of the program, our aim is to help them to experience health and freedom beyond the substances that have controlled them for so long.

Restoration: Poverty Alleviation

Change situations and build a better future.

We provide life counseling, job training and assistance with transitional services so that people have the opportunity to change their situations and build a better future. These services are designed to equip long-term homeless clients, Recovery Program participants and the working poor from the community with the tools necessary to overcome the internal and external problems that have plagued their past, corrupted their present and jeopardize their future.



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Our Voice


About Our VOICE

In the pursuit of a community that is free of sexual violence, Our VOICE serves all individuals in Buncombe County affected by sexual assault and abuse, through counseling, advocacy and education.

Our VOICE, Inc. is a non-profit crisis intervention and prevention agency which serves victims of sexual violence, age 13 through adult, in Buncombe County. The agency was founded in 1974 as an all-volunteer grassroots organization. The agency remained underground until 1982 when we received our non-profit status and the first employee was hired. Now, 40 years and considerable growth later, Our VOICE employs six paid staff and over 50 volunteers, working both to support the healing of survivors of sexual violence and to prevent future acts of sexual violence.

Core Beliefs of Our VOICE:

1. We believe that all people deserve to experience healthy sexuality and personal safety regardless of sex, gender identity or sexual identity. Our programming stems from this belief, and seeks to promote open communication and informed choice.

2. People who experience sexual violence are not to blame. Perpetrators of sexual violence are to blame.

3. We believe that with information and support, clients can explore options and alternatives and make their own decisions. All reports are taken seriously and believed.

4. All information received from clients is strictly confidential (except in cases of child abuse or neglect, or when clients are a danger to self or others).

5. We see sexual violence as a widespread public health threat with historical and cultural origins, rather than the isolated problem of a small margin of people. Sexual violence is one aspect of gender-based oppression, and is inextricably linked to other forms of oppression.

6. We believe that healing is possible - both on an individual and cultural level.

7. We believe that most people, of all genders and backgrounds, see sexual violence and sexual harassment as wrong. It is our goal to unite across boundaries to address this problem together. We reject thinking that says rape is a woman's issue, or that denigrates men as the enemy.

Client Services

Our VOICE recognizes the difficulty many people have in reporting sexual violence. We also acknowledge the traumatic nature of sexual violence and the need for providing support and information to the victims of these crimes. To assist the survivor in regaining a sense of control over their life is the primary goal of our direct services.

  • 24-hour crisis line
  • case management
  • individual and group counseling
  • accompaniment to medical services, law enforcement interviews and court proceedings
  • information and referrals

Prevention, Education and Outreach Program

Our VOICE brings programming to diverse groups throughout the county that addresses the root causes of sexual violence, advocates for positive social change and empowers individuals.

  • community education programs focusing on awareness and prevention for all age groups
  • in-service training for professionals
  • conference speakers
  • consultant services




These amazing organizations help people in our community everyday!

If you would like to help these organizations, please join us for our

4th Annual Home for the Holidays FUNdraiser

where we will be supporting these 5 local non-profit organizations.


Town and Mountain Realty will be hosting this family event at the Orange Peel on December 20th from 5pm - 9:30pm.

Your donation is your admission and Town and Mountain Realty will be matching all donations up to $5,000!

If you cannot make it to our FUNdraiser & still want to help,

you can DONATE ONLINE HERE to help us reach our goal or contact us today to find more ways to be involved!


Photos From Last Year's Event!


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